Thursday, November 6, 2008

Lexie is 9 months old!

I just can't believe Alexis is already 9 months old. The time as just flown by. She is growing up so fast and so much has changeed since last month. Her newset "trick" is pulling herself up to things. She stands up on everything and is staring to figure out that she can walk along the furniture. She looks pretty funny doing it since she is so short. Today she stood by herself not holding onto anything for about 6 seconds. She was very proud, and Ellie had to show us that she could do it too since we were praising Lex. She has three teeth and I think she is working on the fourth. She says Mama and Dada, whcih is so cute to hear. She is still a great eater and is staring to try table foods. She loves to play especially with Ellie. They really are the cutest sisters, and truly do love each other. Happy 9 months Lexie.

A few pictures of the many strange faces Alexis makes.


Robin and Stephenie said...

What a cute little girl we just love her!

Rachel said...

cute! she gets more adorable every time I see her! congrats on all her wonderful accomplishments!

Anonymous said...

mmmmmmmmmmm cute mouth, time to learn how to use it to make a man feel good