We took Alexis in today for her Cardiologist appointment. They did the standard weight and length and then she was hooked up for an EKG. She had to hold still for 10 seconds to get a good reading. That was easier said than done. She was trying to roll so she could see the wires on her side. She finally held still and we got a 10 second reading. Then the doctor came in and listened to her and said he did hear a heart murmur. Then we went to have an Echocardiogram. Nick and I both had to help hold onto her and distract her so she would quit wiggling. She really did do a great job and only started to fuss right at the end. She spent some of the time watching the screen, which was funny because everytime Nick would say, "Alexis watch the T.V." she would turn and watch. We found out that she has an "innocent" heart murmur. Which means everything is fine. He said everything in her heart looks perfect and that it should go away by the time she is 1. It was great news!
that is great news!
I've been out of the loop a little and I'm so glad to here that everything is alright with Lexie! My sister actually has a heart murmur too (was diagnosed at birth like Lexie), but she's 31 and has not had a problem with it so far :-)
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