Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Cousin Kenidee

The girls Aunt Stephenie and cousin Kenidee came up for a visit. They both LOVE Kenidee. Ellie has really enjoyed spending time with her. We went over today to play with her. When we got to JuJu's (Grandma) house Kenidee wasn't there yet. Ellie vert patiently waited for her so they could ride bikes together. When they got there the first things Kenidee wanted to do is hold her baby. She really loves Lexie. She held her and they both laughed and laughed. Meanwhile Ellie stood next to the couch getting a little annoyed that Kenidee was holding Lexie instead of playing with her. It is so sweet to watch Lexie and Kenidee interact. She loves to hold her, play with her, hug her. Ellie loves her sister very much but she never asks to hold and doesn't want to play with her at all. She gives her kisses and hugs and gives her a binky when she cries. She's a wonderful big sister. But I just love to watch Kenidee hold Lexie. It is just so sweet.
I keep trying to get a picture of lexie while she is laughing. She makes the cutest sounds and has a huge smile. Every picture I have gotten so far has been awful. I seem to catch the strangest looks.

1 comment:

LW said...

Awwww, that's so cute! What a great cousin your girls have!