Sunday, June 28, 2009

Oh Ellie

The other day Ellie was playing outside and kept telling me that she didn't like me. She was saying it playfully and I knew she didn't mean it. But we have really been working on her talking nicely to me, so I told her if she said it again she would have a time out. Of course she looked right at me and said, "I don't like you" So I put her in time out. When her time was up I told her to come talk to me. She knows she has to apologize for what she did after a time out. She looks at me and says, "I'm sorry that I don't like you." Oh Ellie what am I going to do with you.


Anonymous said...

Even though you already told me this story, it still made me laugh. She's such a cute little character.


ray-ray says said...

oh, that's a funny girl you got there.