Wednesday, January 7, 2009

11 Months

It's hard to believe that Lexie is already 11 months old. She is contiuing to change everyday. She is starting to talk more. She now says dada, nana (which is both grandma and banana), hi, something that sounds like Ellie and finally has said mama. Her biggest change this month is that she has started to walk. She has taken about 10 steps across the room and then sat down where she wanted to be. About half of the time yesterday when I put her down she would walk. She is still very shaky and unsure of herself but it won't be long before she is cruising all over the house. Heaven help me when that happens. I'm not sure I can handle both of these carzy girls being mobile! It is a bittersweet moment for me. I'm really excited that she is hitting all her milestone right on, but sad that she is growing up so quickly. Happy 11 months Lex.


Robin and Stephenie said...

they ar growing up so fast! We miss you guys.

Tami said...


Jalynne said...

Your girls are adorable!

Anonymous said...

I still can't believe she's walking! It's so cute, though. You know, to me, the one who doesn't have to worry about her getting into things or falling down stairs.
