Sunday, September 12, 2010

Ellie started preschool this week. A few months ago if we talked to her about preschool she said she wasn't going. Luckily she started to become more excited about the idea. By the time September 8th rolled around she could wait to go. She loved it and couldn't stop talking about all the things she did.

Her face as we got out of the car. She had just told me, "I'm so excited. I can hardly wait."

This is how Lexie felt about not being able to stay at school too. She had become convinced that she was going to preschool as well. Poor girl. One more year Lexie.

When I mentioned to Ellie before bed tonight that tomorrow was a school day she said she didn't want to go back. When I asked her why she told me there were to many rules there. Oh Ellie!

1 comment:

Melissa said...

She looks so cute and grown up! I'm glad you found a pre-school for her.