6 Month Stats
Weight- 14.8 lbs (25%)
Length- 23 1/2 in (3%)
A few things about Lila at 6 months
She is finally starting to put herself to sleep in her crib for
nap time.
She is a
rock star eater. This girl loves her baby food.
She still LOVES the bath
She has a special bond with Ellie, she really likes to be around her
She is super lazy and doesn't even try to roll from her back to her tummy, even though we know she is fully capable of doing it.
She still sleeps tightly swaddled, in fact we had to buy new swaddling blankets in a bigger size.
She is highly attached to a little blanket of hers and likes to lick it when she is falling asleep.
She is starting to show some personality and it is quite
She is short. So far the shortest of our girls.