We set out early with 800 miles ahead of us. One hour into our trip Lexie started throwing up. Apparently she gets carsick. Cleaning up a pukey kid and car seat on the side of I-90 is not exactly how I had envisioned this trip going. Luckily the rest of the day went better. We stopped every few hours to feed Lila and let the girls run around the rest stop. They played a rousing game of hide and seek. (Lexie was REALLY hard to find under that table)
Scared away a herd of cows.
Then gladly got back in the car to watch more movies. Nick picked them up head phones so we didn't didn't have to hear their movies. Yay! The only time we heard much out of them was when they started singing along with the movies, which was very cute.
The highlight of Lexie's day was giving Ronald McDonald a kiss. I don't know what got into her, she climbed up and just kept kissing him. It was so funny, but I don't even want to think about all the germs that were on there.
Sweet Lila happily sat in her carseat for most of the trip. She had a few fussy times but overall did awesome. I did however learn that changing her poopy diaper in my lap on the side of a freeway on ramp is not a good idea. Let's just say things weren't contained.
After 800+ miles, 3 states and 18 LONG hours, we arrived in Salt Lake City at 11:30 pm. We were exhausted and so happy to finally get out of the car.